Emotional Wellness
Emotional Wellness is the process of understanding oneself and adequately managing
the challenges life brings. This dimension includes being able to accurately label
personal feelings, while also expressing them openly, honestly, and directly.
Why Emotional Wellness is Important?
Emotional Wellness allows one to identify and accept how they feel. It encourages individuals to manage their feelings and cope with stress, anxiety and other emotional challenges. It embraces optimism, positive self-awareness and esteem, self-acceptance and the ability to recognize and share one’s feelings.
Examples of Emotional Wellness:
- Accept that emotions occur and allow them to be felt
- Develop coping skills for anxiety, stress, depression, etc.
- Embrace a positive outlook
- Emphasize the qualities of resilience, assertiveness and thriving
- Know when to ask for help
- Participate in mindful meditation
- Utilize mental health resources
- View challenges as opportunities