University Code of Ethical Conduct

(Board Policy 335.1)

The University of Arkansas is committed to the highest ethical standards in order to maintain the trust and confidence of both the University community and the citizens of the State of Arkansas.  As an employee of the University of Arkansas, you are expected to conduct yourself in a manner that strengthens the public's trust and confidence by adhering to the following principles of conduct and ethical standards:

Principles of conduct:

  • Conduct that is beyond reproach and integrity of the highest caliber;
  • Honesty and fairness; and
  • Accountability, transparency and commitment to compliance. 

 Ethical Standards:

Compliance with Laws, Rules and Regulations:  Obeying the law is the foundation on which the University's ethical standards are built.  You must comply with applicable, laws, rules, and regulations in every jurisdiction in which the University does business.  You should know enough about applicable federal, state and local laws to determine when to seek advice from appropriate levels of the University's administration. 

Fair dealing:  Whenever you act on the University's behalf, you are required to act honestly, in good faith, and with professionalism.  You may not take unfair advantage of another person through unlawful harassment, manipulation, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts, or any other unfair practice. 

Protection and Proper Use of University Resources:  You owe a duty to the University to advance its legitimate interests whenever possible.  You are prohibited from taking for yourself, or members of your immediate family, opportunities that are discovered through the use of University property, information or position without the prior written consent of the University.  You may not use University property, information or position for improper personal gain and no employee may directly or indirectly compete with the University.

You should protect the University's assets and ensure their proper and efficient use.   University facilities and equipment should not be used for unauthorized non-University business (See Section 9.2).  Your obligation to protect the University's assets includes, but is not limited to, its proprietary information.  Unauthorized use of proprietary information violates this Code.

Timely and Truthful Public Disclosures:   If you are involved in the preparation of reports and documents filed with or submitted to federal, state and local authorities by the University, you are required to make disclosures that are full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable.  You may not knowingly conceal or falsify information, misrepresent material factors or omit material facts.  These same obligations apply to other public communications made by the University. 

The University depends on sound business practices such as rigorous observance of internal control, generally accepted accounting principles, financial recordkeeping and reporting policies, and on the maintenance of internal audit and compliance mechanisms to ensure transparency and to meet its obligation as an organization entrusted with government and private funds.   As a University employee, you are expected to record, allocate, and document revenue, expenditures, time, effort and other information in a way that is accurate, clear, complete and timely. 

Reporting Known or Suspected Violations:   You are expected to report promptly any known or suspected violations of this Code to the University's administration, the campus or unit compliance officials, the Office of the General Counsel or the Internal Audit Department.  No retaliatory action of any kind will be permitted against anyone making such a report in good faith.  The University will strictly enforce this prohibition. 

Accountability for Violations:   If you violate this Code, including by failure to report a violation or by withholding information relating to a violation, you may be disciplined, with penalties up to and including termination of employment.  Violations of this Code may also constitute violations of law and may result in criminal and/or civil liability for both you and the University.    You are required to cooperate in internal investigations of possible misconduct. 

Guidance:   In some instances it may be difficult to know if a violation has occurred.   If you have questions about your obligation under this Code, please contact the University's administration and/or the Office of the General Counsel. 

Thursday, May 29, 2014 8:39 AM