Annual Leave

( Board Policy 420.1 ,  420.2 )  

If you work 1,000 hours or more per year in an appointed non-exempt position, and you are not in a student title (such as graduate assistant or senior graduate assistant), you earn annual leave. If you are a full-time employee, you earn annual leave in accordance with the following schedule. If you are not full-time, but work 1,000 hours or more per year, you earn annual leave in proportion to the time you work.  

From the beginning of Through the end of Monthly Annually
1st year 3rd year 8 hours 12 days
4th year 5th year 10 hours 15 days
6th year 12th year 12 hours 18 days
13th year 20th year 14 hours 21 days
21st year   15 hours 22.5 days

If you work one-half time or more in a regular appointed exempt position that is listed as a 12-month position in the university's appropriation act, you earn annual leave. If you work full-time (100% appointment), you earn annual leave at the rate of 15 hours per month or 22.5 days per year. If you work less than full-time in a 12-month exempt position, but your appointment is 50% or greater, you earn annual leave at that rate, in proportion to the time you work.  

Exempt Full-Time   Exempt
Part-Time (50% or greater)
Monthly Annually Monthly Annually
15 hours 22.5 days 15 hours proportionally to time worked 22.5 days proportionally to time worked

Annual leave is cumulative and is added to your annual leave balance as it is earned; however, you may not have more than 30 days (240 hours) on January 1 of each year. Your total accumulated leave may exceed 30 days during the year, but any amount over 30 days is lost if not used by December 31 of each year.   

If you transfer to the university from another state agency or institution of higher education, without a break in service (within thirty (30) consecutive working days), you may retain and transfer all of your accumulated annual leave. Your prior service will also be figured into the rate at which you earn annual leave, shown on the chart above. You will receive one year's credit for each full year that you have worked in another state agency or institution of higher education. You will not, however, receive credit for partial years.  

Annual leave must be earned before it can be used. You may not borrow from amounts you expect to earn, and you may not use annual leave earned by other employees. You continue to earn annual leave at your normal earning rate when you are on leave with pay. You do not earn annual leave during a month when you are on leave without pay for 10 or more days, or an equivalent proportion if your appointment is less than 100%.  

You may request annual leave at any time, but your request must be made in advance and must be approved by your supervisor. Your supervisor may require that you take annual leave at those times when it will be most convenient for and least disruptive to your department or work unit. Annual leave is granted on a basis of work days, not calendar days. Non-work days, such as weekends and holidays, which fall within a period when you are using annual leave are not charged against your annual leave. If you have an accrued compensatory leave balance, your annual leave will first be charged to that balance.  You may not use sick leave or other forms of leave for annual leave purposes. However, annual leave will be used if you are sick or an immediate family member whom you must care for is sick and you have used all of your sick leave. In Workday, when sick leave is exhausted, additional sick days are charged against annual leave. Annual leave may be used in lieu of sick leave.  

If you end your employment with the University for any reason, including termination, retirement, or resignation, you will receive a lump sum payment for any accrued but unused annual leave, up to, but not exceeding 30 days (240 hours) on the last day of the month following your termination. If your employment with the University ends due to death, your beneficiary will receive a lump sum payment of any accrued but unused annual leave up to but not exceeding 60 days (480 hours). The Workday Leave Accounting System credits your full monthly accrual of annual leave on the last day of each month; however, it may not be used until the first day of the following month. If you end employment with the university, your last month's annual leave accrual will be pro-rated to reflect your actual termination date. If you receive a lump sum payment for annual leave, you may not return to university employment until the number of days for which you received annual leave payment have elapsed.  

If you are a 12-month employee and are scheduled to change to a nine-month appointment, you must take all of your accrued, unused annual leave before the end of the 12-month appointment period. Your employment period cannot be extended to compensate you for unused annual leave when you change from a 12-month to a nine-month appointment, and you cannot receive a lump sum payment for unused annual leave unless you are terminating your employment with the university.  

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