Inclement Weather
(Fayetteville Policies and Procedures 210.0, 211.0; Governor's Policy Directive #7; Act 835 of 2003)
In the event of inclement weather, the university recognizes the need to address how such conditions may affect the overall operations of the institution. In general, the university must continue certain operations during periods of inclement weather due to the needs of students, the requirements of ongoing research activities, and other factors. Although the university generally expects all employees to make every reasonable effort to come to work on occasions when the university is open during inclement weather, this general expectation is subject to each employee's exercise of his or her personal judgment and common sense regarding his or her personal safety under the circumstances and weather conditions. Employees who do not report to work because of inclement weather conditions will be charged annual leave. This will be considered an excused absence. You are responsible for notifying your supervisor if you do not come to work because of weather. With the approval of the supervisor, an employee may elect to use leave without pay in lieu of annual leave. Extra-help hourly employees who miss work due to inclement weather will not be paid for time missed, unless the inclement weather has affected the operating status of the university for the time they are scheduled to work.
In general, inclement weather may affect the operating status of the university in three possible ways: delayed opening, early dismissal and closure. Employees whose departments have designated their responsibilities as "weather or event essential" are expected to report to work as regularly scheduled, regardless of university operating status, unless advised otherwise by their supervisor.
In the event of a delayed opening, employees who arrive at work by the designated opening time will receive inclement weather leave with pay (IP) and will not be charged for late arrival. Employees arriving after the designated time will be charged the full amount of time that they are late. Employees who do not come to work will be charged a full day's absence. In the event of an early dismissal, employees will be dismissed to go home and will receive inclement weather leave with pay (IP) for the balance of the employee's work day. Employees who leave earlier than the designated dismissal time will be charged leave for the full amount of time they are absent prior to the dismissal time and employees who do not come to work will be charged a full day's absence.
Employees who received prior approval to be absent from work on a day that becomes designated as an inclement weather day will not receive inclement weather leave with pay (IP). The absence should be charged to annual or sick leave as appropriate.
In the event of a closure, all offices and regular business operations will be closed. Employees should not report to work.
The chancellor, or his designee, will instruct the Office of University Relations to post appropriate inclement weather information to the university's website - - via the RazALERT emergency communications system - - and through notification of local and regional media.
Please refer to the following policies for more information:
Fayetteville Policies and Procedures 210.0, Inclement Weather Policy
Fayetteville Policies and Procedures 211.0, Weather Emergency Procedure
Updated September 6, 2011
Wednesday, September 07, 2011 1:33 PM