UA Systemwide Policies and Procedures (UASP) are instituted by the President’s Office with the purpose of providing guidance and direction to campuses regarding certain administrative subjects. This may include guidance related to existing Board of Trustees Policies and other guidance that cannot be appropriately addressed in Board policy.
Policies and Procedures
Staff Handbook
This handbook is intended to help you by providing information about university policies and procedures related to employment, employee benefits, and programs and services available to staff. Much of the material in the Staff Handbook is summarized, excerpted or paraphrased, so the handbook is a guide rather than a complete source of information on employment-related subjects.
Faculty Handbook
The handbook is a collection of information about the university from many sources including Board of Trustees policy statements, Fayetteville Policies and Procedures, and Academic Policies, among others. Material unique to the handbook is contained primarily in section II, Academic Responsibilities of Faculty.
Academic Policies
The Provost and the Office of Academic Affairs maintain academic standards and policies that promote the achievement of professional goals and impact academic programs and services to students and facilitate the academic and professional life of the faculty. Information contained in the Academic Policies include the Academic Calendar and Class Times, Appointment Periods, Academic Activities, Accreditation Visits and Programs, Open Access, Copyrighted Material, Performance and Deadlines for Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty, Hiring Plans, Textbooks and Material Policies, Annual Reports, Reasonable Accommodations for Testing and more.
Fayetteville Policies and Procedures
The Fayetteville Policies and Procedures is maintained by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and are formal policies and procedures that have campus-wide application to the community. The Policies and Procedures improve communication, promotes administrative consistency and efficiency and ensures compliance with pertinent state and federal laws as well as state and regional accreditation requirements. These may not be all inclusive and your department or unit may have additional policies and procedures.
Board of Trustee Policies
Established by the Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas these policies are applicable to the campuses, divisions and units of the UA System. They include the Governance and Administration of all campuses across the state, Standards of Conduct and Conflict of Interest, the daily Administration of campuses, financial responsibilities, and policies that deal with Faculty and Staff.
UA Systemwide Policies and Procedures