Performance Reviews for UA Employees

All performance reviews are based on a January-December cycle.

Staff Performance Reviews

Performance reviews are completed directly in Workday for staff. Performance review templates will pull in responsibilities from the “position restrictions”. Core competencies have been developed at the University of Arkansas System level with input from campus representatives. Core competencies are detailed below. Goals can be set by the manager for the review period. Prior to completing the performance review, supervisors should ensure that the employee’s position information, including job responsibilities, are up to date.

To view or update the job duties and other position information, the supervisor can navigate to the employee’s Workday page, click on the position, click on “Position Restrictions,” and select the “Qualifications” tab.  If job responsibilities are missing or need updating, the Position Restrictions will need to be edited by the supervisor. This will then go through an approval process in Workday.

Performance ratings for staff are on a five-point scale, displayed below. The rating scale was developed with input and guidance from subject matter experts representing our campus and across University of Arkansas System member institutions and has been approved by the Arkansas Department of Higher Education (ADHE). 

Performance reviews for staff are currently based 100% on the performance of job responsibilities.

Performance Review Rating Scale


Begin Range

End Range

Unsatisfactory -- Performance generally fails to meet job expectations or requires frequent, close supervision of employee.  0 1.49
Needs Improvement -- Performance meets some job expectations, but does not fully meet remainder. 1.5 2.49
 Satisfactory -- Performance meets all essential job expectations.  Occasionally exceeds management expectations.  Employee demonstrates good knowledge of job duties, and assignments are accomplished effectively with normal supervisory guidance.  2.5 3.49
 Above Average -- On a regular basis, performance is characterized by high quality work that exceeds most position requirements, key objectives, and management expectations.  Employee demonstrates outstanding skills and abilities, and assignments are accomplished in a highly effective manner with limited guidance and direction.  3.5 4.49
 Exceeds Standards -- Performance consistently exceeds position requirements, goals, and management expectations.  Resourcefulness and depth of program and technical knowledge are of the highest quality.  Assignments are accomplished in an exceptional manner with minimal direction and are characterized by outstanding achievement.  4.5 5


Diversity, Inclusiveness & Cultural Awareness

The system promotes an atmosphere of excellence that honors the heritage and diversity of our state and nation.

  • Individuals and systems of the UA System will respond respectfully and effectively to people of all cultures, languages, classes, races, sexes, ethnic backgrounds, religions, sexual orientations, abilities and other diversity factors in a manner that recognizes, affirms, and values the worth of individuals, families, and communities and protects and preserves the dignity of each.


The system provides students, researchers and professionals with tools to promote responsible stewardship of human, natural and financial resources in Arkansas and around the globe.

  • We are committed stewards of the human, fiscal, and physical resources entrusted to us. We are accountable to one another for the quality of our community, the strength of our finances, and the utility and beauty of our campus as a place of intellectual engagement and personal growth. We pursue innovations which respect the environment and foster sustainability in the management of our resources.

Continuous Learning & Development

The system provides workforce-relevant knowledge to enhance economic development efforts that improve the overall quality of life and societal well-being.

  • Actively identify new areas for learning; regularly creating and taking advantage of learning opportunities; using newly gained knowledge and skill on the job and learning through their application.


The University of Arkansas System recognizes that its reputation is one of its most valuable assets and is committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of both the University community and the citizens of the State of Arkansas.

Conduct ourselves in a manner that strengthens the public’s trust and confidence by adhering the following principles:

  • Conduct that is beyond reproach and integrity of the highest caliber;
  • Honesty and fairness; and
  • Accountability, transparency and commitment to compliance.

Faculty, Executive Positions, Senior Administration, Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches and Graduate Assistants

Performance reviews for faculty, coaches, and graduate Assistant positions will continue to be done outside of Workday.

Executive Positions and Senior Administration include the following positions: departmental chairperson, department head, associate dean, dean, associate vice provost, vice provost, provost, assistant vice chancellor, associate vice chancellor, vice chancellor, and chancellor. Performance reviews for these positions will be completed outside of Workday and scores will be uploaded into Workday.

Additional training for managers and employees is available in Workday Learning. If you have any questions about performance management, please contact your HR Partner.