Dual Career Employment Network

If you have relocated to northwest Arkansas to work for the university and are part of a dual-career family, the second wage-earner in your household may be eligible for assistance in identifying employment in the area through the Dual Career Employment Network. The network, which consists of over 100 employers in northwest Arkansas, is a free resource and referral service available to partners of employees recently relocated or of candidates being actively recruited by participating companies and organizations. The program's goal is to inform community employers of the availability of talented professionals as well as to inform relocating family members about employment opportunities.

The network coordinator will help your spouse, partner or other family member identify career opportunities with the university, or with local businesses, agencies, schools and other employers, and will distribute his or her resume, make initial contacts and help arrange interviews. While the Dual Career Employment Network cannot guarantee that it will be able to identify the right job for the second worker in your family, its services will be available for up to a year after you relocate. Information about the program and participating employers is available on the Human Resources website and from the Dual Career Employment Network coordinator in Human Resources, who can be contacted by phone at 575-8625.

Monday, September 28, 2009 2:48 PM