Employee Resource Groups

Are you interested in connecting with colleagues who share similar backgrounds or identities at the University of Arkansas? Consider joining one of the Employee Resource Groups (ERGs).

These groups offer support to employees with shared experiences and are a fantastic way to build meaningful relationships. By participating in an ERG, you can promote belonging, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace, which can enhance your job satisfaction and engagement. Take this opportunity to foster an inclusive environment and establish valuable connections with your peers.

How to Join

  1. Explore ERG Options: Review the list of available ERGs on the university's website to find a group that aligns with your background or interests.
  2. Sign Up: Follow the instructions provided on the Join the Community page to become a member. This might involve filling out a membership form or contacting the group's coordinator.
  3. Attend Meetings: Participate in group meetings and events to connect with fellow members and engage in group activities.
  4. Get Involved: Volunteer for group initiatives, attend events, and contribute to discussions to maximize your experience and impact.

If you don't find a group that fits your needs, you can discuss establishing a new one with Dr. Angela Mosley-Monts by contacting her at belongs@uark.edu.

Employee Resource Groups

The U of A provides support to the following Employee Resource Groups:

Armed Forces Employee Resource Groups

Position Name Email
Chair Steve McClain smcclain@uark.edu 
Vice Chair Melinda Schroeder mschlese@uark.edu 

Asian American Pacific Islander Employee Resource Groups

Position Name Email
Chair Dr. Er-Gene Khang ekahng@uark.edu
Vice Chair Zoe Keller zckeller@uark.edu 

Black Employee Resource Groups

Position Name Email
Chair Dr. Synetra Hughes shughes1@uark.edu
Vice Chair AnReckez K. Daniels akd006@uark.edu 

Indigenous Employee Resource Groups

Position Name Email
Chair Summer Wilke swilkie@uark.edu
Vice Chair Dr. Marty Matlock mmatlock@uark.edu 

Disability Employee Resource Groups

Position Name Email
Chair Dr. Brent Thomas Williams btwilli@uark.edu 
Vice Chair Rachel Strickland rstrickl@uark.edu

Latinx Employee Resource Groups

Position Name Email
Chair Martha Anderson map012@uark.edu 
Vice Chair

Xochitl Delgado Solorzano


LGBTQIA+ Employee Resource Groups

Position Name Email
Chair Julia Menke jmenke@uark.edu 
Vice Chair Anne Shelley ashelley@uark.edu 

International Employee Resource Groups

Position Name Email
Chair Dr. Adnan Ali Khalaf Alrubaye aakhalaf@uark.edu 
Vice Chair Dr. Rocio Paez Ritter rapaez@uark.edu 

Parents and Caregivers Employee Resource Groups

Position Name Email
Co Vice Chair Sarah Draine sdraine@uark.edu 
Co Vice Chair Myrlinda Soedjede myrlinda@uark.edu