Market Adjustment Implementation

The Staff Classification and Compensation Project is designed to bring staff compensation to at least the minimum of their assigned market pay range for similar work performed.

  • Time in position will be factored into all additional market adjustments (other than potential future COLA increases), including for staff with compensation already above the minimum of their assigned market pay range.  
  • Not all in-scope staff will receive an additional market adjustment (beyond the market adjustment provided in the form of a 3% COLA previously received effective July 1, 2024) . For instance, if a staff member’s base pay, with time-in-position considered, is already within the assigned market pay range, they would not receive an additional market adjustment. In addition, employees with an unsatisfactory or below performance rating will not receive an additional market adjustment.* 
  • No employee’s pay will decrease as a result of the project, even if the employee’s current base pay is above the market pay range for similar work performed.  

*Staff with a "needs improvement" or "unsatisfactory" performance rating from the Spring 2024 evaluation period will not receive an additional market adjustment in phase one but would become eligible for potential additional market adjustments in phase two if documented performance is improved to at least a satisfactory level during the calendar-year review cycle.  

Implementation Details

Any market adjustments related to the project are intended to be implemented in two phases.  

  • In the first phase, in-scope staff are intended to receive any additional market adjustments (beyond the market adjustment provided in the form of a 3% COLA previously received effective July 1, 2024) to base pay starting with their Oct. 15, 2024 payslip, with the market adjustment amount calculated back to July 1, 2024.  
  • In the second phase, any market adjustments are intended to be effective July 1, 2025. 

When implementing compensation changes, market adjustments are prioritized by job subfamilies (e.g. Accounting, Academic Advising) of staff that are furthest away from the market pay range, resulting in two priority groupings:

  • Priority Group A : It is intended that those furthest away from the market pay range will receive 75% of the total market pay adjustment to base salary on their Oct. 15, 2024 payslip*, and 25% of the total market pay adjustment effective July 1, 2025. 
  • Priority Group B : It is intended that those closer to the market pay range will receive 50% of the total market pay adjustment to base salary on their Oct. 15, 2024 payslip*, and 50% of the total market pay adjustment effective July 1, 2025. 

*The Oct. 15, 2024 payslip will contain a larger amount representing additional compensation calculated back to the July 1, 2024 effective date.

The image shows a diagram labeled Market Adjustment Implementation with two horizontal arrows representing two priority groups, Group A and Group B. The diagram outlines the process for each group as follows: Priority Group A: 3% COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment): This adjustment is shown at the start of the arrow. Phase 1: The arrow continues to indicate 75% Additional Market Adjustment. Phase 2: The arrow ends with 25% Additional Market Adjustment. Priority Group B: 3% COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment): This adjustment is shown at the start of the arrow. Phase 1: The arrow continues to indicate 50% Additional Market Adjustment. Phase 2: The arrow ends with 50% Additional Market Adjustment. Both arrows flow from left to right, starting with a teal section (3% COLA), followed by a gray section (Phase 1), and ending with a red section (Phase 2).


Example Scenarios

(Illustrative Purposes Only, Fictional Data)


Job Title: Museum Assistant Director 
Job Profile: Museum Manager IV 
Time in Current Position: 10 years 
Market-aligned Pay Grade Minimum: $60,000 
Jermaine's Pay: $50,000

Planned Market Adjustment Effective July 1, 2025: $16,000

  • $10,000 increase to market pay range minimum (includes market adjustment provided in the form of 3% COLA: $1,500)
  • Time-in-position Adjustment: $6,000 (based on market pay range minimum)*

Planned Annual Pay Effective July 1, 2025: $66,000  
Group: B (50% Effective July 1, 2024/50% effective July 1, 2025)

  • Market Adjustment Provided in the Form of 3% COLA: $1,500
  • Additional Market Adjustment (Phase 1): $6,500
  • Additional Market Adjustment (Phase 2): $8,000**

*In this fictional example, Jermaine has been in his current position for 10 years and is eligible for a time-in-position adjustment up to 10% of the market pay range minimum for his position ($6,000). The maximum time-in-position benefit employees may receive is capped at 10% of the market pay range minimum OR 10% of the employee's annual base pay if the employee's salary is already above the market pay minimum. Potential time-in-position increases will vary from individual to individual.

**Additional market adjustments for Phase 2 may vary and could include any potential COLA that may be approved effective July 1, 2025 (similar to the impact of the market adjustment provided in the form of a COLA that became effective July 1, 2024).  

The image displays a graphic illustrating the pay adjustment plan for an employee named Jermaine to bring his salary in line with the market-aligned pay range.  Market-aligned Pay Range:  Minimum: $60,000 Maximum: $80,000 Jermaine's Current Pay: $50,000  New Pay after Adjustments:  Base Pay: $50,000 3% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) effective from July 1, 2024: $1,500, bringing his pay to $51,500. Phase 1 (Effective July 1, 2024): Market Adjustment to $58,000 Phase 2 (Effective July 1, 2025): Market Adjustment to $66,000 The total market adjustment is $16,000, with phased increases planned to reach the minimum of the market-aligned pay range by July 2025.

In this fictional example, Jermaine’s starting pay is $50,000, and he is eligible for a market adjustment to the market-aligned pay range for his position. He receives a market adjustment provided in the form of a 3% COLA to bring his pay to $51,500.

Because his job subfamily is in Priority Group B, he will receive 50% of his additional market adjustment effective July 1, 2024 and 50% effective July 1, 2025. His pay effective July 1, 2025 is $66,000 including a $6,000 time-in-position increase for 10 years in his current position. 


Job Title: Construction Project Specialist 
Job Profile: Construction Project Manager II 
Time in Current Position: 5 years*
Market-aligned Pay Grade Minimum: $40,000
Tamara's Pay: $41,750

Planned Market Adjustment Effective July 1, 2025: $3,250

  • Market Adjustment Provided in the Form of 3% COLA: $1,250
  • Time-in-position adjustment: $2,000 (based on Tamara's pay)*

Planned Annual Pay Effective July 1, 2025: $45,000

Planned Distribution of Market Adjustment
Group: A (75% effective July 1, 2024/25% effective July 1, 2025) 

  • Market Adjustment Provided in the Form of 3% COLA: $1,250
  • Additional Market Adjustment (Phase 1): $1,189
  • Additional Market Adjustment (Phase 2): $811**

*In this fictional example, Tamara has been in her current position for five years and she is eligible for a time-in-position adjustment  based on a percentage of her pay. Potential time-in-position increases will vary from individual to individual.

**Additional market adjustments for Phase 2 may vary and could include any potential COLA that may be approved effective July 1, 2025 (similar to the impact of the market adjustment provided in the form of a COLA that became effective July 1, 2024).  

The image displays a graphic illustrating the pay adjustment plan for an employee named Tamara to align her salary with the market-aligned pay range.  Market-aligned Pay Range:  Minimum: $40,000 Maximum: $60,000 Tamara's Current Pay: $41,750  New Pay after Adjustments:  Base Pay: $41,750 3% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) effective from July 1, 2024: $1,250, bringing her pay to $43,000. Phase 1 (Effective July 1, 2024): Market Adjustment to $44,189 Phase 2 (Effective July 1, 2025): Market Adjustment to $45,000 The total market adjustment is $3,250, with phased increases planned to gradually align her pay within the market range.

In this fictional example, Tamara’s pay is $41,750, and her position is already within the market-aligned pay range for the work she performs. With five years in her current position, she is eligible for a time-in-position adjustment. She receives a market adjustment provided in the form of a 3% COLA to bring her pay to $43,000.

Because her job subfamily is in Priority Group A, she will receive 75% of any additional market adjustment effective July 1, 2024 and 25% effective July 1, 2025. Her pay effective July 1, 2025 is $45,000 including a $2,000 time-in-position increase for five years in her current position.


Job Title: Landscape Specialist 
Job Profile: Groundskeeper II 
Market-aligned Pay Grade Maximum: $45,000 
Time in Current Position: 20 years
Benny's Pay: $44,660

Market Adjustment Effective July 1, 2024: $1,340

  • Market Adjustment Provided in the Form of a 3% COLA: $1,340*

Annual Pay Effective July 1, 2024: $46,000

Distribution of Market Adjustment
B (Note: Benny will not receive additional market adjustments in Phases 1 and 2)

  • Market Adjustment Provided in the Form of 3% COLA: $1,340
  • Additional Market Adjustment (Phase 1): $0
  • Additional Market Adjustment (Phase 2): $0**

*Benny received a market adjustment provided in the form of a COLA effective July 1, 2024. This put his pay above the maximum market pay range for his position. So, while he would potentially be eligible for a time-in-position increase with 20 years in his current position, no time-in-position increase is applied due to the fact his base pay is already above the maximum of the market pay range for the work he performs.

**Additional market adjustments for Phase 2 may vary and could include any potential COLA that may be approved effective July 1, 2025 (similar to the impact of the market adjustment provided in the form of a COLA that became effective July 1, 2024).


The image displays a graphic representing the pay adjustment for an employee named Benny, aligning his salary with the market rate.  Market-aligned Pay Range:  Minimum: $30,000 Maximum: $45,000 Benny's Current Pay: $44,660  New Pay after Adjustment:  Base Pay: $44,660 3% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) effective from July 1, 2024: $1,340 Total after COLA: $46,000 (exceeds the market range maximum) The $1,340 market adjustment is added to bring Benny's salary to $46,000, which is slightly above the maximum of the market-aligned pay range.
In this fictional example, Benny’s pay is $44,660. He receives a market adjustment provided in the form of a 3% COLA to bring his pay to $46,000. This puts him above the maximum of the market-aligned pay range for his position, therefore no additional market adjustment is applied.