Risk and Compliance Job Subfamilies

The Risk and Compliance job family ensures that the institution complies with laws, regulations, policies and procedures.


Develops, implements and tests the University's internal control environment, including financial transactions, for compliance with State & Federal laws and University policies & procedures. Administers the University's Identity Theft program. Manages the University's relationship with internal & external auditors. Manages allegations of fraud, theft, or misuse of public funds. Also provides information and guidance related to complex University tax compliance issues, including those related to Non-Resident Alien/International tax withholding, Unrelated Business Income Tax, and taxable distribution and compensation matters including fringe benefits and Foundation payments to employees. Coordinates tax audits. Prepares and files 990-T UBIT tax return, as well as various IRS information forms. Liaison and single point-of-contact on Foundation processes & regulations and University policies and procedures related to University gifts. Reviews Payment Authorization Requests, performs new gift set-up, responds to intra-Foundation requests, monitors gift balances.

Disability Resource

Ensures an accessible and inclusive campus experience for disabled students, employees and visitors through the facilitation of accommodations and proactive, barrier-free design; maintains University compliance with the ADA and other laws; and promotes a progressive awareness of disability and access informed by disability studies and Universal Design through innovative programs, services, and outreach.

Equity and Civil Rights

Develops, administers, and enforces policies, procedures and programs to ensure equity, access and fair treatment for all University students, employees and campus community. Oversees efforts to ensure compliance with equal opportunity and civil rights laws and regulations.

Risk Management

Identify risk exposures that impact the institution, implement appropriate risk control measures, ensures appropriate risk financing and transfers risk with insurance as needed. Develops and coordinates activities and programs that are designed to identify and manage risks and promote accountability.

Job Profiles

Job profiles provide high-level definitions of the purpose, responsibilities and qualifications for specific positions. More than 750 job profile summaries are available now with more details coming later.

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